TypingAid –一个简单的自动完成工具,可加快输入速度


自动补全的好处不仅仅与减少键入和提高生产率有关。自动补全可以在一定程度上避免无聊,而RSI(重复性应激损伤)则可以避免较大的烦恼。 RSI对从事打字工作的人们几乎是无形的但真正的威胁。

因此,这就是诸如 TypingAid 之类的快速打字程序的所在地。这很简单一个简单任务的工具。但是它是如何做到的呢?试试吧。

TypingAid is a small and free download at 209KB. The best thing about it is that you don’t need to install it and you can run it straight from its folder. There is nothing to configure and all one has to do is put in the most frequently used words into a text file that runs from the same folder as the TypingAid executable. A sample text file (wordlist.txt) is given in the program’s folder. It’s as easy as typing your “˜auto-text’ in successive lines. It can be anything”¦your contact details, a salutation, the way you sign off personally, technical terms you use most often etc.

可以将文本文件编辑为普通文本文件-打开文件,添加行并保存文件。更快的方法是突出显示要放置在文本文件中的单词,然后按 Ctrl + Shift + C 。单词会添加到 wordlist.txt 中,并且文件会自动保存。

在单词列表中键入与单词或句子开头匹配的前三个字符时。 txt,程序将其作为建议工具提示。在工具提示中提供了与前三个输入匹配的所有条目供选择。按条目旁边的相应数字将在您需要的位置自动完成输入。例如,我正在尝试使用我的四个签名,按正确的数字可以在任何文档或电子邮件窗口中插入正确的签名。整洁!


There’s nothing to configure, so maybe my grandma can also use this to cut short her typing. The speed typing program needs no installation and is completely portable from one system to the next. It works in all programs both offline and online. Words or expressions can be added to the wordlist.txt file with a shortcut without the need to open it and save it. The program is tiny and takes up very little memory.


Phrase Express是我们很久以前讨论过的两个类似的自由速度键入程序。您认为TypingAid在工具集中与这两个或任何一个相对应吗?

TypindAid ver1.2是免费下载的,并且与Windows XP / Vista / 7兼容。

标签: 键盘 便携式应用