



单击右上窗格中的任何项目,将打开完整的提要内容右下方窗格中的该项目。因此,界面就像Google Reader中的“列表"视图一样,只有您可以看到右下窗格中的内容。

Initially it does take some time to sync all your unread items on to your desktop. To be fair, I do have a enormous reading list. After the initial sync, you can start using Desktop Google Reader in all its glory. In the left pane you have buttons to refresh feed content, mark all items as read, add or remove a feed and configure desktop Google reader.



台式机Google阅读器使用Chromium呈现供稿的内容,您可以使用这些供稿来浏览Feed的内容,或者您​​只需按“ Tab"键即可在默认浏览器中打开该帖子。

台式机Google Reader还会在Feed更新时显示通知。您可以阅读标题并通过单击通知上的相应按钮来选择访问页面。

除所有功能外,Desktop Google Reader还允许您使用首选项对话框来调整其设置(可访问通过菜单中的“偏好设置"按钮。

The Preferences dialog lets you configure various aspects of the software. You can vary the refresh interval, choose how the summary is displayed or tweak what gets displayed on the notifications that pop up. In addition Desktop Google Reader lets you configure proxy servers as well as usernames and passwords for Read it Later and Instapaper all from within the Preferences dialog.

台式机Google Reader是Google Reader的不错的桌面客户端。所包含的社交功能很棒,通知可以帮助您掌握最新信息,并且可以在不希望分心的情况下将其关闭,并最大程度地减少桌面Google Reader的显示量。最好的是,即使您离线也可以访问所有Google阅读器供稿!


标签: FeedReader Google阅读器 阅读